In “Desperate Love“, a chilling psychological thriller, the tranquil life of Katherine Morris shatters when she is kidnapped and held hostage. The search for Katherine leads Detective Cleary down a twisted path of secrets and deceit, where nothing is as it seems.
David Henderson, an unassuming hardware store owner, becomes an unexpected focal point of the investigation. Beneath his quiet demeanor lies a complex web of emotions and a past that intertwines dangerously with Katherine’s fate. As Detective Cleary delves deeper, the connection between victim and villain becomes clearer, revealing a disturbing portrait of obsession and a twisted version of love.
Set against the stark contrast of everyday life and dark undercurrents of the human psyche, “Desperate Love” is a story of passion turned perilous. It explores the depths to which desire can drive us and the strength it takes to escape the clutches of obsession. This novel is a compelling journey through the shadows of the human heart, where one woman struggles to find the resilience needed to survive the darkness.
This is the first mystery/suspense novella I ever published, and it was originally only available in the Kindle e-book format at Amazon. I have recently revised the story and added a decent amount of content. Since then, I have also made it available in print format at Amazon.