In this gripping suspense novella, the lives of two people are intertwined in a tale of vengeance, justice, and the bonds of friendship. After the tragic murder of Holly, a single mother and college student, her roommate Becky and Holly’s father, Robert, find themselves engulfed in a quest for retribution against the drug dealer responsible for her death.
Set against the backdrop of a decaying industrial city, the story delves into the emotional turmoil and moral conflicts faced by Becky and Robert. While Robert, consumed by grief and anger, contemplates taking justice into his own hands, Becky battles to save him from his own dark impulses. As the narrative unfolds, Becky’s desperation to protect Robert leads her down a path she never imagined she would tread.
This short novel is a riveting exploration of the complexities of grief, the desire for vengeance, and the lengths one will go to protect those they love. It’s a story of how the pursuit of justice can lead to unexpected and tragic consequences, and how the quest for retribution can become a burden too heavy to bear.
“Private Justice” is the third mystery/suspense novella that I have written. It is now available in the Kindle e-book format and print format at Amazon.