In a suspenseful tale of betrayal and hidden truths, “Shattered Vows” takes readers into the life of Mark Henderson, a successful businessman whose world is upended by a shocking development. When Mark’s wife, Allison, is mysteriously killed, he finds himself entangled in a web of deception that leads him to question everything he knew about her.
His search for the truth leads him to the abandoned warehouses of the city, where the line between ally and enemy blurs. In the shadows of these forgotten structures, Mark faces a deadly confrontation, unearthing secrets that challenge his understanding of loyalty and trust.
“Shattered Vows” is a riveting suspense novella that explores the complexities of love, loss, and the dangerous pursuit of the truth. It’s a story that will leave readers questioning how well one can truly know another person.
“Shattered Vows” is the second mystery/suspense novella that I wrote. It also has been rewritten to expand the content considerably. It was originally only available in the Kindle e-book format at Amazon, but since the rewrite it is now also available in print format.